speakerS list

Wolfram Schultz,
University Of Cambridge
"Reward In The Brain: Neuronal Signals For Reward & Economic Decision-Making"

Mark Wilson,
Imperial College London
"Brain Injury: New Thoughts"

Timothy Brown,
University of Manchester
"Rhythms & Blue: Using Light
To Tell The Time Of Day"

Janine Bijsterbosch,
University Of Oxford
"From Connectivity To Biomarker"

Simone Di Giovanni,
Imperial College London
"Neural Activity Dependent
Signals For Repair & Recovery
Following Spinal Cord Injury"

Tamas Revesz,
University College London
"Disease Progression &
Spread In Neurodegenerative Diseases"

Emrah Duzel,
University College London
"Effects Of Preclinical
Alzheimer's Pathology On
Episodic Memory Circuits"

Nilli Lavie,
University College London
"Distracted, Confused & Unaware? The Elusive Gift
Of Attention"
Lead by our resident Professor Of Neuropathology, Professor Steve Gentleman, as he performs an autopsy on specimens diagnosed with neurodegenerative conditions. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view this process from start to end, asking questions and observing the brain pathology along the way.
This brain-cutting workshop provided an opportunity for students to appreciate the central nervous system in ways they have never seen before; the interior features of the brain are analysed in great detail with a world-class neuroscientist – an opportunity rarely available elsewhere!

The burden of mental illness is high worldwide but more so in Low & Middle Income Countries (LMICs). Due to several socio-economic, cultural and contextual factors, models of mental health interventions in High Income Countries (HICs) are often unrealistic and not viable in LMICs. This talk l explored innovative approaches to mental health delivery in LMICs illustrated with examples of specific interventions, cross-paradigm collaborations and capacity building.
In collaboration with neuroscientists from the BrainBox Initiative by Rogue Resolutions, and aimed to provide participants with plenty of hands-on practical experience and knowledge of the basic principles of TMS and TMS research techniques.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
Basic principles of magnetic and electrical stimulation
Physiology of transcranial stimulation of the motor cortex
Insights into cortico-cortical connectivity
Basic principles of twin-coil TMS
Intra- and inter- hemispheric circuits activated by twin-coil TMS
Principles of TMS navigation
Research and clinical applications using TMS
Introduction to multimodal applications

Delivered by Mr Kevin Tsang, Consultant Neurosurgeon at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, this workshop will provide delegates with an insight into the day-to-day life of a neurosurgeon.
A BRIEF HISTORY OF functional mri scans
Do you know which is the first functional neuroimaging technique invented, who devised it and how?
This workshop was conducted by Dr Stefano Sandrone. He is a Teaching Fellow and a neuroscientist at Imperial College London. He was born in Canelli, Italy, in 1988 and has been studying and doing research in Milan, Zurich and London. He is based at the Computational, Cognitive and Clinical Neuroimaging Laboratory (C3NL).
In 2014 he was selected as a young scientist at the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Physiology and Medicine (attended by 37 Nobel Laureates and 600 young scientists worldwide). For this, he has been included in Wired magazine’s list of ‘promising Italians under 35’.
In 2015 he co-authored a book entitled Brain Renaissance. It received a one-page review in Nature on its release and won the biennial Award for Outstanding Book in the History of the Neurosciences presented by the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences. In the same year, he has also written an online commentary for the Neuroanatomy chapter of the 41st edition of the Gray’s Anatomy.
In 2016 he was awarded the H. Richard Tyler Award for the History of Neurology presented by the American Academy of Neurology and its Archive Committee. Moreover, he was selected as member of the Young European Leadership Delegation at the European Parliament for the European Youth Event and recognised as Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, the British professional institution promoting excellence in higher education.
In 2017 he has been elected as Vice Chair of the History of Neurology Section at the American Academy of Neurology and recognised as Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Picture credit: Healthy brain, composite of tractography, MRI and artwork. Credit: Gabriel González-Escamilla. CC BY, Wellcome Collection.

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Conference Chair
Conference Secretariat
Sponsorship Officer
Publicity Officer
Art Director
Speaker & Workshop Co-ordinators
Lily Cai
Rena Darbar
Pearlyn Lee
Shonnelly Novintan
Danielle Kurtin
Bryan Ooi Min Feng and Rose Kurian Thomas